betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement, frisches Obst, kostenlose Getränke und Kaffeespezialitäten so viel Du willst
gemeinsame Sportveranstaltungen wie Firmenfitness, Firmenlauf oder Volleyball, Firmen-Fahrrad-Leasing, Karenztage bei nervigen Erkältungen, Zuschuss Urban Sports Club für Deine Fitness
Jobticket, Prämie für Mitarbeiterakquise, Betriebsrentenmodell
Eigenverantwortung, regelmäßige Feedbackgespräche, feste Weiterbildungsbudgets und Training on the job
This Job or job advertisement as 'Test Engineer (m/w/d)' is advertised for the following addresses: Kleiststraße 10 a - c, 01129 Dresden.
Short profile of the Kiwigrid GmbH
Our Products and Solutions provide our partners with a flexible, modular and turn-key Smart Grid management and monitoring solution - efficiently connecting distributed energy generation with large or small-scale consumers.
Our operated SaaS Cloud Solution provides new revenue streams for our Partners by enabling innovative value added services for their customers.
Bringing together the brightest engineers, leading Universities and established Utilities, Kiwigrid's innovative products deliver the secure and reliable infrastructure necessary to keep energy affordable and make our Electrical Grid truely smart!
We are hiring specialists in Computer Scienes, Mechanical Engineering, Electrotechnology and Business Administration. For our ever growing team we look for project leaders, software developers, engineers, consultants, controllers and marketing experts.
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