Starten Sie Ihre Karriere als Ausbilder in der Aus- und Weiterbildung!
Wir bieten Ihnen eine abwechslungsreiche und herausfordernde Tätigkeit in einer Branche mit Gestaltungsspielraum für Entwicklungen und Optimierungen als Ausbilder/Lehrkraft im Bereich Metalltechnik (m/w/d) in Vollzeit oder Teilzeit.
Bei uns arbeiten Sie in einem dynamischen und stabilen Miteinander, das Ihnen die Freiheit gibt, Ihre berufliche Zukunft aktiv mitzugestalten. VIELFALT wird bei uns großgeschrieben – wir heißen Bewerber unabhängig von Geschlecht, Herkunft, Alter, Religion oder sexueller Identität herzlich willkommen!
Apply now to the ERFURT Bildungszentrum gGmbH as a Ausbilder/Lehrkraft im Bereich Metalltechnik (m/w/d) in Vollzeit oder Teilzeit.
Please check whether you meet these basic requirements:
The ERFURT Educational Center (ebz) is regularly seeking qualified professionals to strengthen its team. Currently, there is a particular demand for trainers and educators in the fields of metal technology, IT, mechatronics, and automation technology. Additionally, positions are open for social workers, IT specialists as IT trainers, and freelance lecturers (including industrial master training and modern continuing education programs).
General requirements for applicants include a completed education or degree in the respective field, ideally complemented by practical professional experience. Pedagogical skills and a willingness to deliver practical, hands-on training are essential. For certain roles, such as trainers, the Trainer Aptitude Regulation (AEVO) is required, or candidates are expected to acquire this qualification. Teamwork, strong communication skills, and high motivation to contribute to the professional development of participants complete the desired profile.
Only first-class professionals receive a referral code. The entrepreneurs of the community portals involved communicate regularly who deserves a recommendation. Trust the judgment of the experts. Convince yourself of the strict rules in the FAQs of the Empfehlungsbund . Use the referral code for your professional success.
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Only first-class professionals receive a referral code. The entrepreneurs of the community portals involved communicate regularly who deserves a recommendation. Trust the judgment of the experts. Convince yourself of the strict rules in the FAQs of the Empfehlungsbund . Use the referral code for your professional success.