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You can find additional job offers that match your search criteria on, the community for Mechanical and electrical engineering, mechatronics, as well as physics and chemistry.

4 job offers found for F%C3%BChrungskraft and manager in Dresden within a radius of km

Gruppenleiter R&D Components (m/w/d)


, Kon­struk­teure, Mecha­ni­ker, Elek­tro­f­ach­kräfte, Soft­ware­in­ge­nieure, Betriebs­wirt­schaft­ler … ins­ge­samt sind wir etwa 190 Mit­ar­bei­tende, wel­che an der Ent­ste­hung unse­rer Anla­gen und Ver­brauchs­ma­te­ria­lien betei­ligt sind. 
Manager F&E Physik Innovationsmanagement Komponentenforschung Bauteiloptimierung R&D-Teamleitung Gruppenleiter R&D Komponenteninnovation Qualitätskontrolle
executiveOttendorf-Okrilla (hybrid)

Associate Group Leader “Secure and Privacy-Respecting Data Processing” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's...
manager electrical engineering good english skills PhD IoT computer science creativity open mindset computer electrical
Dresden (hybrid) 30 vacation days

Gruppenleiter R&D Components (m/w/d)


, Kon­struk­teure, Mecha­ni­ker, Elek­tro­f­ach­kräfte, Soft­ware­in­ge­nieure, Betriebs­wirt­schaft­ler … ins­ge­samt sind wir etwa 190 Mit­ar­bei­tende, wel­che an der Ent­ste­hung unse­rer Anla­gen und Ver­brauchs­ma­te­ria­lien betei­ligt sind. 
Manager F&E Physik Innovationsmanagement Komponentenforschung Bauteiloptimierung R&D-Teamleitung Gruppenleiter R&D Komponenteninnovation Qualitätskontrolle
executiveOttendorf-Okrilla (hybrid)

Associate Group Leader “Secure and Privacy-Respecting Data Processing” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's...
manager electrical engineering good english skills PhD IoT computer science creativity open mindset computer electrical
Dresden (hybrid) 30 vacation days
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